Thursday, August 10, 2017

Back to Yoga Basics: Beginner Standing Yoga Flow


And we're back yogis, with another opportunity to start, deepen, or fine tune your yoga practice through movement, breath, and connection! Feel good about landing your beautiful self here, it's the right space to be.

Today's back to yoga basics class is all about Standing Postures.

In the yoga world, standing postures symbolize movements/shapes that we do while standing (as in not sitting or lying down). I know, obvious definition, right. But for a beginner yogi, it's important to make these distinctions so that the culture, practice and world of yoga is easier to understand, soften into, and feel like you belong.

We will incorporate the postures + movements from last week's class (Beginner Hatha Flow - and layer on strong, standing yoga postures + movements. You can expect yoga postures like:

*Warrior 1
*Warrior 2
*Side angle pose
*Goddess pose
*Triangle pose
*Pyramid pose
*Chair pose

.....and half sun salutations to start the journey of a vinyasa flow practice (combined movement + breath).

Now with all of that said, let's unroll our yoga mats, embody the strong person we already are, and begin/continue to live our journey!

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A Simple But Fast Program To Lose Weight After 30, 40, 50 ,60
Doing an exercise in the wrong way is not usually the cause of failing to stay fit. Not knowing what to do and a lack of motivation will stop most people from getting in shape. The main factor in designing and executing a fitness plan is to choose fun activities that will hold your interest over the long term. The advice in this article is designed to help you find the best ways to achieve that goal.

Music can help to keep you motivated. The rhythm of the music will prompt you to move to the beat. As the Law of Inertia states, once in motion, objects continue in motion until exterior forces are present. Start dancing and you will not be able to stop! Many people have found dancing to be a fun and exciting form of exercise. It does not require someone to be overly fit and can serve as great cardio.

Working out with your favorite people is the best way to get fit. When exercising, try to start a conversation with someone so you can focus your attention away from the workout. This will help time go by a little more quickly. Following a fitness routine with a friend will be great motivation and a lot of fun.

Video games that utilize your body as the controller can be both fun and surprisingly good as a work out. Each gaming system has video games available that are fitness orientated by encouraging you to use your body as the controller and move about. When it is fun, you can spend more time exercising!

When starting on your fitness plan, the first thing you should do is to update your workout wardrobe with something that makes you feel attractive. When you put on a worn out pair of sweatpants, you may lose your motivation for working out. Having great fitting and fun workout clothes will provide great motivation to exercise.

Changing and rotating your workouts to include new activities is a great way to not become bored with your exercise plan. By keeping yourself interested, you lessen the likelihood that you will give up on your fitness goals. Find things that will make your workout routine fun and exciting. Maintaining interest is extremely important. If you quit, it makes it very difficult to restart.

Rewarding yourself for weight loss goals can help keep you motivated. It is not necessary to achieve your ultimate goal in order to treat yourself. Pick small rewards when you meet your goals. Make your reward simple and affordable. New clothing, jewelry or even just a dessert you have not eaten in a while are great examples of how to treat yourself. Make your reward a reasonable one. If you stay motivated, you will accomplish more.

Your workout doesn't have to be monotonous. Having fun while you are working out is easy. In this article, you will find some ideas to help make your exercise regimen more enjoyable.

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