Friday, August 11, 2017

Exercise to lose weight fast at home | "Jump Start Cardio" 15-Minute Fat Burning Fitness Program




Welcome to workout 1 of our #FITIN15 Plan! Let's jump start the New Year with this short but sweaty cardio session. We'll build into the moves so just do your best, listen to your body and stick with the options and versions of the exercises that work best for your current fitness level (I'll be showing you both low and high impact options as we go).

New to the #FITIN15 program? Find out more about how to join in on the fun here:

Level: All

Equipment: None

Intensity: Moderate, High and Low Impact Options

This 15-minute full length home workout routine burns calories, elevates the heart rate and works the muscles in the thighs, inner thighs, legs, quadriceps, hamstrings, core, arms, shoulders and abs with exercises like:

Warm Up, Walking, Jogging, Marching, Lateral Taps, Side to Side Steps, Low Impact Jumping Jacks, Jumping Jacks, Boxer's Shuffle, Punches, Cross Punches, Jump Rope, Jumping Rope, Low Impact Jump Rope, Squat, Squat And Step Taps, Windmill Reaches, Skaters, Skater Windmill, Heel Digs, Heel Dig Jacks, Knee Strikes, Power Knee Strikes, Basketball Drill, Front Kicks, Scissor Taps, Scissor Jacks, Standing Cat Cow, Spine Extension, Cool Down

Leave me a comment below and let me know if you completed the workout! What was your favorite (or least favorite) move?

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Exercise can play a major role in helping you to lose weight. Without something to keep them motivated, though, many people lose their desire to continue working out. Exercise can be fun if you learn the right ways to do it. These tips will give you some ideas to help you lose weight.

More than likely, you've seen a baby dance to the beat of music. Usually when people hear music they want to move. A great way to make exercise more enjoyable is to play music while exercising. Even when you feel yourself getting tired, the music spurs you on to continue dancing, which keeps your body in constant motion.

Invite some friends to workout with you. This time can be used to converse and find out what's been happening lately. If you start a conversation with a buddy it will be easy to forget that you are working out. Friendly banter can be a diversion. Working out with friends is much more fun than working out alone.

Exercise can be more fun if you forget that you are exercising. Specially designed video games can go a long way toward doing just that! There are games available for every interest. Maybe you would enjoy bowling with your virtual friends, or learning new dance moves. Or maybe you would like to engage a virtual opponent in a boxing match? With a remarkable variety of options, video games workouts make it easy to find ones that will help get you up and moving before you even realize you are exercising.

Workout clothing that looks great on you is a really good motivator. They're available in a rainbow of colors and styles to suit your style preferences. Take the time to pick out an outfit you absolutely love. This way, you'll have a little extra motivation to head to the gym.

Be sure you don't continually do the same exercises because you will get tired of them and may stop exercising altogether. Your exercise routine can come to a grinding halt if you allow yourself to get bored. Make sure you alter your exercises, so your workouts continue to be motivational and original. Each time you lose your motivation and stop exercising, it is that much more difficult to start again. Therefore, it is crucial that you change up your routine so that it stays fresh and all your progress is not lost.

To help yourself stay motivated after achieving one of your weight loss goals, give yourself a special treat. A special gift for yourself will help you stay focused even if it is not very expensive. Be sure the reward is something that is easy to get and satisfying. The purpose of such a treat is to maintain enthusiasm and commitment to achieving your goals.

Do not just concentrate on the work in working out. You can transform a workout into something fun if you know how to add some spice to your routines. With the tips that are outlined below, you will be able to make exercising a fun experience.

Read More About Low Fat Recipes At


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