Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Build big ripped biceps by training like this…

If you want to get big biceps you’ll definitely have to do plenty of bicep curls. As a matter of fact, biceps workouts are known for their lack of originality when it comes to the exercises options you have for growing them. Almost every single bicep exercise involves some sort of a curl, whether you do them with cables, dumbbells or barbells.

That said, regardless of which piece of equipment you use to do your bicep curls, I’m going to show you 5 big bicep mistakes you want to avoid if you want to get bigger arms fast. In this video, I cover five fixes you can start making in your very next bicep workout.

To recap what these fixes are to help you get bigger biceps with dumbbells, I’ll list them out here in order.

1. Be sure to supinate while you are curling not before you curl.

Too often, people initiate a dumbbell curl by twisting their wrists and supinating their forearms without having started the bicep curl. This is not helping you to train your bicep muscle fully. If you want to get big biceps you need to supinate the wrists while the dumbbell is being lifted.

2. Use a shift grip if you want to increase your bicep contraction at the top.

If you find that you cannot generate enough of a forceful contraction of your biceps at the top of your curl, then shift to a shift grip. This grip requires that you slide your hand all the way up against the thumb side of the dumbbell. This forces you to twist with more force at end of each bicep dumbbell curl.

3. Be sure to slowly lower the dumbbells and not just drop them.

It is the easiest thing to remind people, but it’s the one they forget the most. If you want to grow bigger biceps you have to slow down your eccentrics. The nice advantage of eccentric bicep training is that there is practically no risk of bodily harm by doing it (unlike the risk associated with doing it on a bench press or squat).

4. Don’t always perform dumbbell curls in alternating fashion.

Let’s face it. It’s easier to do dumbbell curls if you alternate right and left sides. The reason is, that it takes half the stabilization strength of your core and lower body to do a single rep. That said, if your biceps are truly a weak spot of yours, use the alternating style to fully concentrate on your bicep contraction and grow bigger biceps before moving back to the dual form.

5. Don’t forget to curl up to your nose for bigger biceps.

Your biceps fully contract when you perform not just elbow flexion but shoulder flexion as well. Curl the weight up to shoulder height and beyond to make sure you are fully contracting the long head of the biceps.

As you can see, if you want to get big arms and biceps in particular you have to do curls and you have to do them right. Fix your bicep workout by avoiding these 5 big mistakes and then head to to get your complete athletic muscle building system - ATHLEAN-X.

For more bicep workout videos and tips on how to get big biceps and sharper peaks, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at

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Some people find it nerve-wracking to start an exercise routine. In many cases, they do not how to start, or simply lack the motivation to start. Motivating yourself can be as easy as making your workouts fun. Get on the ball by using these great tips.

Turn up the volume when you workout. Music helps you get on track. Dancing with the beat is a great way to get moving and stay in shape. Moving your body feels great, and it is so easy to do, so get moving. Allow yourself to let loose. Listening to music helps you forget that you are exercising, thus allowing you to spend more time working out.

Ask your friends to come exercise with you. When you can convince yourself that exercise is an excellent way to socialize, you will begin to look at the idea of exercise in a new light. Time will pass quicker, and you will enjoy exercising more. Focusing your attention on conversation with friends will distract you from the intensity of your workout.

With a good distraction, you can give your exercise routines the illusion of sped-up time. Using a workout video game might be the best way to do this. You will find a wide variety of these types of games. Try some bowling, tennis, golf, or skiing games to get your blood pumping. Maybe you would like to box an online competitor? With a remarkable variety of options, video games workouts make it easy to find ones that will help get you up and moving before you even realize you are exercising.

Head to the mall for some brand new workout clothes. Find outfits that flatter your current body type. Stay away from buying things you wish to fit in someday or that are uncomfortable. Try to use your creativity when you select a new outfit. There are a lot of different styles of workout clothing, so you can get something that reflects who you are. If you feel great about the clothing that you wear, you will feel great about exercising in them.

If you're bored, change it up and try something else. Boredom is one of the top reasons that people abandon their exercise routines and quit their fitness regimens entirely. Mixing things up will help you maintain your enthusiasm. Try new routines or switch up your music. Keep your eyes open for new workouts that you can try.

Celebrate all of your accomplishments along the way. You should reward yourself even for the more trivial goals. It's a major achievement! Spend some family time together or reward yourself with a small portion of a beloved dessert. Perhaps you would like to purchase a snazzy outfit to reward yourself? Knowing that you are working towards a reward is really motivating. As you move towards it, envision how much you will enjoy it.

Despite what many people think, working out can be fun! By implementing some of the advice found in these tips, you can start to make exercising an enjoyable activity.

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