Sunday, April 23, 2017

Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold | Prasarita Padottanasana | Yoga With Adriene

Foundations of Yoga continues with Adriene! In this episode we learn Standing Wide-Legged Forward fold from the ground up with a strong focus on Action and Alignment.This pose is great for the whole body! Prasarita Padottanasana strengthens the legs and the back and tones the abdominal wall. It stretches the hamstrings, hips and lower back inviting the muscles to open and feel good. In fact, this is a great pose after a jog or run! It is also calming for the system and can help to relieve anxiety or jitters. This pose can also help to relieve headaches and fatigue.
It can be challenging too!
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Intro music by Shakey Graves! Check him out here:

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A Simple But Fast Plan To Lose Weight After 30, 40, 50 and Above
Having the proper motivation will prevent you from failing in your workout efforts. Workouts are enjoyable when you understand how to craft them properly. Read on for some tips to get you going.

Music is a great addition to any workout. Music will get you moving. This is a unique way to get motivated to exercise, because you can have fun picking out your music for a workout. When you feel as though you're dancing to a great song rather than exercising, your workouts will be much more entertaining. Doing this dance will be so much fun that you will completely forget about feeling tired. Incorporating music into your workout routine can make time fly by faster so you exercise for longer.

Unless you find ways to make it fun, exercise can be really boring. You could try to make your workout a time to be with people. Focus on finding a buddy or two that you can workout or go for strolls with during free time. Having friends and an engaging conversation around will perk up your exercise time and help it to move along more quickly. Working out with a pal can add elements of fun to an exercise plan, helping you to forget you are working out at all.

Workout-centered video games can be extremely helpful in getting you to concentrate on enjoying yourself, rather than fixating on the difficulty of the actual exercises you are performing. Numerous video games exist that will assist you in your weight loss goals. The primary benefit, of course, is that because you are having fun in your workout, you don't get exhausted quite as quickly and you can sustain your activity level longer.

If your exercise clothes flatter your body, you will be more motivated to wear them and workout. They are a blast to wear, and there are so many styles from which you can choose. When putting together an exercise outfit, get creative. The better you feel in your exercise clothes, the more motivated you will be to go out and exercise.

Be sure you don't continually do the same exercises because you will get tired of them and may stop exercising altogether. If you become bored with your routine, you are more likely to quit working out. In order to keep exercise interesting, you must vary your routines. It helps keep you motivated, and you have more fun. Each time you lose your motivation and stop exercising, it is that much more difficult to start again. Therefore, it is crucial that you change up your routine so that it stays fresh and all your progress is not lost.

Celebrate all of your accomplishments along the way. No matter if you've reached a long term goal or a short term one, remember you deserve the reward to keep you motivated. You accomplished what you set out to do. Set aside some time for friends or family, or even cheat a little on your diet. Perhaps some new clothes would be a great way to celebrate your latest weight loss milestone. Having a reward waiting for various milestones can really help you stay motivated to work toward your goals.

While you have to do chores everyday, working out should not be one of them. You can have fun and make more progress with a few simple alterations. Use the ideas in this article to make your fitness routine more fun.

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